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3-Hour Meditation With Kirtan Led by SRF Nuns Kirtan Group | 2023 SRF World Convocation

Join the Self-Realization Fellowship nuns’ kirtan group for a three-hour meditation with kirtan (devotional chanting) as part of the 2023 SRF World Convocation — a free weeklong program of talks on Paramahansa Yogananda’s “how-to-live” teachings and meditation techniques, guided meditations, virtual pilgrimage tours to the ashrams where Yogananda lived and communed with the Divine, online fellowship, and more.

00:00 Welcome, Introduction, and Opening Prayer
04:55 - “Om” Chant
06:51 - “Om Guru Invocation to the Guru” / “I Will Sing Thy Name” / “I Am Om”
39:25 - Intro to “Where Is There Love?” and “Jai Guru, Jai Ma”
40:57 - “Where Is There Love?
49:40 - “Jai Guru, Jai Ma”
01:17:53 - Intro to “Radha Krishna Govinda” and “In the Temple of Silence”
01:19:06 - “Radha Krishna Govinda”
01:27:23 - “In the Temple of Silence”
01:55:07 - Intro to “Receive Me on Thy Lap, O Mother”
01:56:40 - “Receive Me on Thy Lap, O Mother”
02:03:00 - “Thousands of Suns”
02:23:08 - Intro to “Satyam Shivam Sundaram” and “God of Beauty”
02:24:59 - “Satyam Shivam Sundaram”
02:33:23 - “God of Beauty"
02:47:33 - Intro to “In the Land Beyond My Dreams”
02:48:41 - “In the Land Beyond My Dreams”
02:59:40 - Closing Prayer

To experience all the 2023 Convocation events, register today: convocation.yogananda.org/

Paramahansa Yogananda said: “A song born out of the depths of true devotion to God and continuously chanted, audibly or mentally, until response is consciously received from Him in the form of boundless joy, is a spiritualized song. Such songs like live matches produce the fire of God-awareness whenever they are struck on the foundation stone of devotion.”

To learn about Yogananda’s book of chants, Cosmic Chants: bookstore.yogananda-srf.org/product/cosmic-chants/

You can receive Yogananda’s personal and comprehensive instruction in the science of meditation and art of balanced living by enrolling in the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons, his home-study course. To learn more and enroll: srflessons.org/

Read Yogananda’s introductory SRF Lesson here: flipbooks.yogananda.org/15791/30007/index.html?_ga…

If you would like to support the spiritual and humanitarian work of SRF, please click on this link: donatesrf.org/


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