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Dadalar - Turkhedelic (1973) [Full Album]

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-- Founded in 1967 by three like-minded friends, Dadalar is an "fictional" Turkish Psychedelic Folk Rock music group. Dadalar's third album "Turkhedelic" is with you. Enjoy listening!

Warning: "Everything that happens on this channel is fiction. But what is the truth? F*ck it, just listen!"

00:00 Miocaro
04:21 Turkhedelic
08:42 Protest
13:04 Steppe
16:52 Red Scarf
21:13 Lolatolia
25:35 Sheker

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#dadalar #anatolianrock #psychedelicrock #folkrock #anadolurock ---------------------------------------------------

Anatolian Rock Grooves
   / @anatolyas  

Psychedelic Dervish Music
   / @psydervish  

Global Music Platform
   / @kalkutah  

Global Grooves Gateway
   / @antaloth   .

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