【お願い】「通知」をオンにしてください。やり方⇨①画面右上の🔔のマーク(実際は白黒)をクリック②出てきた小窓の右上の⚙(歯車)マークをクリック③出てきた画面の「ユーザー設定」の項目の1番上の「登録チャンネル」のブルーのスイッチを右にスライドする (終)
/ @healingwoman358
①先行配信 他のチャンネル登録者の方より早く動画が公開されます。
②週1回更新の未公開、メンバー限定公開のLight Jazzインストゥルメンタル、およびVelvetでおしゃれな男性ボーカルLight Jazzをお聞きいただけます。
特別な最もヒーリング力が高いと言われる楽器・楽曲を厳選したBGMをお届けします。ジャズにこだわらない一味違ったHealing Womanをお楽しみいただけます。
【本日のSet List】
0:00 In the moon light
3:40 Moonlit waves
5:53 Lost in this view
9:22 Dreamy Nights
11:57 Same tune
14:13 Clouds in my mind
16:53 Under the moon light
20:24 Midnight Whispers
22:46 In your arms
25:35 Skins on skin
28:09 In this jazzy sway
31:05 I can't resist
33:53 Timeless moments
37:12 MIdnight grow
39:11 Guided by this love
41:32 Smooth like honey sweet
当チャンネル、Healing Womanの厳選したジャズサウンドは、心休まる女性ボーカルや、インストゥルメンタルなど、心を癒し、脳をリラックスさせることに特化した音楽をお届けしています。
Healing Womanのジャズサウンドはあなたに深いやすらぎ、集中した作業、ぐっすりと眠る前のひと時など、あなたが求める平穏な瞬間を彩るオリジナルサウンドです。
Healing Womanのジャズサウンドに耳を傾けることで、心の奥深くに
当チャンネル、Healing Womanは常に心を落ち着ける安らぎのジャズサウンドを探求し、日々更新を続けますので是非チャンネル登録をお願いします。
画面に登場するHealing womanと一緒に癒しのひと時をご体験ください。
For those of you who want to work efficiently, relieve fatigue, and relax
Our channel, Healing Woman, carefully selects jazz sounds, such as soothing female vocals and instrumental music, which are specially designed to heal the mind and relax the brain.
In our busy daily lives, we are faced with a myriad of unpleasant, worrisome, and anxious feelings.
We are confronted with countless experiences that are unpleasant, worrisome, and unsettling.
Such experiences increase stress in the brain and lead to physical and mental disorders.
Healing Woman's jazz sounds are original and unique to give you the peaceful moments you seek, whether it is deep relaxation, focused work, or a good night's sleep.
In fact, jazz music is used around the world as background music in offices, relaxation centers, physical therapy clinics, restaurants, and cafes, and is recognized for its healing effects.
Jazz has also been shown to improve concentration and memory.
Listening to the jazz sounds of Healing Woman can help to warm up your mind and relieve deep-seated stress and tension.
and stress and tension that have been buried deep in your mind will be washed away like a warm wave. And with that conditioned mind and brain, you will be able to get more done.
Please subscribe to our channel, Healing Woman, as we are always in search of soothing jazz sounds to calm your mind.
Please subscribe to our channel and enjoy the latest healing music every day.
Please experience a moment of healing with the Healing Woman on your screen.
We hope that your daily life will be peaceful and richer.
Thank you for your continued support.
※Unauthorized reproduction, redistribution or commercial use is prohibited.
YouTube content ID obtained.
#relaxin #piano #bgm #rnb #beat #Vibes #洋楽 #ballad #Love #playlist #emotional
⇨ x.gd/PvwDJ
⇨ / @healingwoman358
#healing #healingmusic #soothing #soothingmusic
#relax#癒し #リラックス
/ @relaxzone321
/ @cozysounds-l2q
/ @swingjazzmusic688
/ @coolmusic2bestsoulfunkmusic
/ @lofimoeko