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More and better gender data for a more equal future

Data is an engine for change on gender equality.

Data exposes gaps and helps us set targets for how to address a given problem. While we are addressing the problem, data tells us if we’re on track. And at the end, it reveals whether we’ve ultimately achieved the change we sought. In this way, data enables us to set benchmarks and measure progress. But we cannot make progress on what we cannot, and do not measure. Women and girls are often missing in data, and gender data production and use are often an afterthought.

Gender data gaps are pervasive, hampering our ability to monitor progress. To fill these gaps, data must be disaggregated to better understand the lived reality of women and girls and capture intersecting inequalities. We need more and better data to make all women and girls counted, visible and valued.

Find out more about UN Women's data work and the Women Count programme: data.unwomen.org/