This demo is a mix up of little clips to give you an idea what these pickups are capable of.
Thanks to Warren Mendonsa (aka blackstratblues) for his playing.
The Kōkako Strat Pickup is is strongly influenced by the Fender Stratocaster pickups of the 60's but with a little more. It has a full yet clear bottom end , smooth highs and clear mids. It's aimed at players who love the sounds of Frusciante and Hendrix.
The Kōkako set was spawned by a few things coming together in November '22.
For a while I've been offering my Bellbird Strat set with various winding options - 5% under, 5% over or 10% overwound. I've been playing with a 10% over wound set in one of my own Strats and for me they have 'that' vintage Strat tone that's perfect with a little dirt be it fuzz or overdrive.
I'd just read an article saying how Seymour Duncan had wound some pickups for Hendrix and the spec of those pickups looked very similar to the 10% overwound Bellbirds.
That got me thinking.
The same day a customer contacted me wanting advice about my pickups and which one would be best for a John Frusciante sound.
Well, it's the Bellbird +10%.
I thought this was too good to let go.
I could have left the pickup as a version of the Bellbird but decided it needed its own life.
My Strat pickups are named after native New Zealand birds like the Bellbird and the Tui; I chose the Kōkako because its song reflects the tonal characteristics of the pickups. I wanted a bird that has a song fatter and fuller sounding than the Bellbird but not as aggressive as the Tui - so Kōkako Strat Pickup it is.
Mr Glyns Pickups - Kokako Strat Set - Mix