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Marshall Stockwell 2 vs Denon 250bt - little and large? 🙈

#marshallstockwell #denon250bt #portablespeaker
Marshall Stockwell 2: geni.us/stockwell2
Denon 250bt: geni.us/denon250bt

Marshall Stockwell 2 with its so called Blumlein stereo processing takes on the mighty marvel of the Denon Envaya 250bt, a classic portable bluetooth speaker still one of the best in 2021.Two speakers with a hifi pedigree and aptX codes. Best portable speaker 2021?

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Alan Ross Reviews Top Picks:
Pound for pound world champion:
Soundcore Motion Boom: geni.us/motionboom
Amazingly deep bass to 40hz for its size and price.
Still worth a look:
My former world champ the Soundcore Motion Plus can still offer great clarity.
£50 champion:
Great bass for its size, Soundcore Boost: geni.us/soundcoreboost
Hi End Picks
Minirig mk3 2.2 system: geni.us/minirigmk3
Great for portable low deep kick: Onyx Studio 6: geni.us/onyxstudio6
Monitor Like openess but lacks deep bass: geni.us/audioproc3
Best Micro Options:
Bose Soundlink Micro (warm): geni.us/bosesoundlinkmicro
Tribit Stormbox Micxro (clinical): geni.us/tribitstormboxmicro
Worth a Look:
W-King T9: geni.us/wkingt9
The T9 is a reasonably loud and balanced party speaker with a big bright detailed sound.
Budget Loud Boombox: no clear winner but my pick for fun outside listen would be:
W-King X10 geni.us/wkingx10
Travel Speakers:
Marshall Stockwell 2: geni.us/stockwell2
offers a decent immersive sound with full and tight bass. Beware though it does go very loud
JBL Charge 5: geni.us/jblcharge5
Only mono but has a very clear and dynamic sound at low volumes and can go reasonably loud but will become a little screechy over 80%.

0:00 One Degree - Woman in love
1:52 specs
5:13 50% sound test
7:56 75% comparison
11:13 75% frequency analysis
13:18 100% max volume test
14:56 100% frequency analysis

BrxkenBxy - Ridin
Vinsmoker - I Don't Wanna Know (feat. Mike Watson)
Halle Abadi - Salvador
Nexone - Memories
All Beats - Drivers License (feat. Lyly)

end track: Baby C - Perfect Life

Track: Vinsmoker - I Don't Wanna Know (feat. Mike Watson)
Free download / Stream: jupitamusic.com/idontwannaknow/

Track: Nexone - Memories
Music provided by Dirty Workz / DWX Copyright Free
Watch original:    • Nexone - Memories (Official Audio) [C...  
Free Download : dwxcopyrightfree.lnk.to/NexoneMemories
More music: www.dirtyworkz.com/spotify

Track: All Beats - Drivers License (feat. Lyly)
Free download / Stream: jupitamusic.com/driverslicense/

Alan Ross Reviews, probably the best reviews in the universe :)
Portable HiFi test, Marshall Stockwell 2 and denon 250!
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