For October 2024 Numerology!
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To calculate your life path number add up your date of birth... for example 9-10-1900= 38=11/2
To calculate your personal month add the current month and current year to your life path number… for example: Life Path 2 in the year 2023 in the month of January would be 2+2023+1=2026=10=1
To calculate your personal year add the month of your birth, the day of your birth and the current year… for example DOB: 9-10-1900 in the year 2023 would be 9+10+2023=2042=8
Sorry! I am no longer taking new clients effective January 2024.
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All reading and predictions are for entertainment purposes ONLY. You are responsible for you own life and decisions. Readings at The Round Table, a division of Metaphysical Round Table, LLC is not qualified to give medical, legal or financial advice and does not accept responsibility for individual interpretations of the shows or readings on this channel. Tarot, Oracle Card, Astrology and other Spiritual readings are to be watched at your own discretion, nothing in any of these videos is guaranteed. These readings are not meant to replace medical, legal or professional advice but are for entertainment purposes only. By watching these videos or listening to the audio, you take full responsibility for your own life and outcomes herein. We do not accept responsibility for any choices any of our viewers choose to make in their lives. Thank you.