Here's a bell pepper guide so you'll know when to use each of these peppers.
Green Bell Pepper:
This is the least ripened out of the bunch. They're a bit more bitter and earthy than the others. They're probably my least favorite.
Yellow Bell Pepper:
This is a little more ripened than the green and it's great if you want to add some color and a little sweetness to your dish.
Orange Bell Pepper:
Orange and yellow peppers are interchangeable for a lot of recipes since the orange is only moderately sweeter than the yellow.
Red Bell Pepper:
This is the ripest and the sweetest of the bunch, which is why I use this more often in my dishes. It is also the most nutrient-dense of the four options.
Use this guide and the next time you're at the market, you'll be able to pick the best pepper for your needs.
Chef Mike
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