In this Oxford Mathematics 2nd Year Student Lecture, the third in Philip Maini's 'Mathematical Biology' course we are showing, we present the classic Kermack McKendrick mathematical model for the spread of an infectious disease and show how to derive the 'R' number, which featured so much during the pandemic. As this is the last lecture of the course, it ends with a brief summary of other lecture courses related to mathematical biology that are on offer.
You can watch the two other lectures in the course here: • Student Lectures - Mathematical Model...
You can watch many other student lectures via our main Student Lectures playlist (also check out specific student lectures playlists): • Student Lectures - All lectures
All first and second year lectures are followed by tutorials where students meet their tutor in pairs to go through the lecture and associated problem sheet and to talk and think more about the maths. Third and fourth year lectures are followed by classes.