If you had to battle horrifying flesh-eating monsters, what would you do? The country is about to be overrun with creatures from hell and the only way to stop them will by disrespecting innocent dead bodies, punching crazy horse gods right in the face, and acting like our favorite little ghost hunter Yayoi from the anime Dark Gathering to save the world. I’m going to break down the mistakes made, what you should do, and how to beat the YOMA HELL DEMONS IN Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma.
Narrated by Griffin
Directed by Albert Pranoto and Dom Jeswal
Written by Dom Jeswal
Edited by Albert Pranoto
------What other things the team is up to----
Wanna hire Griffin (the voice guy)? Check him out here :www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01e15ca46beb05764f?vie…
Dom (the WRITER) Self-Development Newsletter:
When Dom (the WRITER) and Albert (the EDITOR ) aren't here, we GAME! Come play and talk with us ❤️: youtube.com/c/CantCamp
Offical How to Beat Anime IG: www.instagram.com/howtobeatanime/
Albert: www.instagram.com/albiepanda/
Dom: www.instagram.com/domjeswal/
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