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How to Recognize Neurodivergent Adults: 16 Signs to Look For

It's time to talk about unrecognized Neurodivergent elders over 40. Until the Neurodiversity Movement includes elders, we don't have the mentors we need and they don't have the tools and community they need.

In this video:
-how many ND boomers and genx are out there?
-what does Neurodivergent mean?
-is Neurodiversity new?
-why so many recent diagnosis?
-do Neurodivergent nervous systems run in families?
-16 signs to spot Neurodivergent Adults
why the Neurodiversity Movement needs elders
-why Neurodivergent recognition is important for adults

This video is based on my experience as a Neurodivergent person not recognized until 42 and the stories of my Neurokin. I am not an expert, simply an ADHDer and PDAer who shares what I am learning as I go. PDA is a profile of Autism, Persistent Drive for Autonomy.

#PDAer #pathologicaldemandavoidance #persistentdriveforautonomy #inplaywetrust #neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #actuallyPDA #PDAfamily #signsofadultadhd #signsofadultautism #neurodivergentfamily #differentlywiredfamily #neurodivergentelders #adultADHD #adhdautistic #neurodiversitymovement #neurokin