⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Hyperlite Unbound 55L vs Southwest 3400 55L. In my opinion after taking these two bags on a 3 day trip through Southwest Tasmania, I found they are quite similar but there are definitely a few differences to note to help you make a decision around these bags. Both bags primary material is Dyneema DCH150, a very rugged water resistant fabric. Both bags include very the same shoulder straps and waist belts which both are pocketed either side. The only difference is that the Southwest has slightly wider material on the buckle strap. They also both use the roll top design which clips down either side of the bag. They are very similar design dimensions wise. The Southwest is a little shorter in height but is wider than the unbound. The Southwest is slightly heavier also 896 grams as a pose to 879 grams. Where the main difference lies for me is the back outer pocket designs. The unbound features two clear side pockets perfect for storing drink bottles and easy access to grab things while on the move. The Southwest these side pockets are a flatter design and further around the back. Not as suited to a bottle or easy access. The unbound offers two back mesh pockets which items can be stuffed into. Whereas a the Southwest has a large non mesh pocket which is a but more suited to bulky storage. The Unbound also has a little mesh bottom storage pocket at the base of the bag where a sleeping mat or similar could be tucked into. This is not a feature on the Southwest pack. This bag also has elastic side string where more items could be tucked into. Overall I would say both bags are great ultralight options that in many cases would rip and get destroyed if used on these types of trips. So they are one of the more robust and rugged ultralight options out there. The Unbound has more features and storage options whereas the Southwest is a more simplified design." - Hamish #mywildearth #hyperlitemountaingear #hyperlite #wildearthaustralia