Comment 111 to receive this light energy of the New Moon Eclipse 🌑✨
A transmission of pure golden light and diamond light....
An essence of serenity, love and abundance guiding us to higher realms. 💫
🏆Stepping into the Golden Age—new beginnings, higher vibrations, and limitless possibilities.
This New Moon Eclipse is a strong one...
It's guiding us to release the old and rise into a new chapter. 🦋✨
If a lot is coming up for you during this collective shift, just remember to breathe and this too shall pass.
Trust your process.
There's light on the other side. 💕
I hope this transmission of energy can help you with higher frequencies to assist you.
Watch to the end of the video to receive the full transmission. Look into my eyes for a stronger transmission. ⚡️
This beautiful lemurian crystal wanted to assist in this transmission.
Lemurian crystals contain sacred messages and symbols that are represented in unique horizontal lines and grooves.
The Lemurian crystal is known as one of the master crystals because it tunes into your spiritual compass, working to unlock the secret doors of your soul. It assists you to open your heart & crown chakra as well.
These ethereal crystals help to bridge the gap between the earth and the cosmic realm.
They impart serene energy and wisdom from the Lemurian civilization.
This activated lemurian crystal is available for purchase. 💌 DM @drstanzie Instagram for more info.
#NewMoonEclipse #GoldenAge #LightLanguage #NewBeginnings #EnergyShift #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguagecodes #lightlanguagetransmission #lightlanguagehealing #lightlanguagechannel #shaktipat #deeksha #kundaliniawakening #kundaliniactivation #energeticalignment #lemurianquartz #lemurianseed #lemurian #starseed #lemurianseedcrystal