Mama Cheung's Chinese Soup with solomonseal and glehnia root, a nourishing soup for the winter! It helps to soothe a scratchy throat and irritable lungs. I hope you will like this! Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
材料 Edible Ingredients (四至五人份量 4-5 people portion)
玉竹五十克 Solonmonseal 50g
沙參五十克 Glehnia root 50g
茶樹菇三十克 Southern poplar mushroom 30g
准山(山藥)五十克 Chinese wild yam 50g
薏仁四十克 Pearl barley 40g
杞子十五克 Wolfberries 15g
無花果三個 Dried figs x3
蜜棗二個 dried dates x2
粟米二條四百七十五克 Corn on the cob x2
豬骨/豬𦟌 五百克 Pork bone/shank 500g
清水四公升 Water 4 liters
#張媽媽 #沙參玉竹 #潤肺化痰
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