Today, let's craft more intention into the space where engage with our creative practice.
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Any experience can be a chance to practice our creativity and an opportunity to embrace all aspects of our being. You do not have to be "productively" creative to be a creator. Creativity is your life force energy, the embodiment of ALL you are. You only need the courage and curiosity to find out what that means for you.
We move into Autumn appreciating what we have learned from the "seeds" we have tended. Gathering the bounty that our intentions have sown, honoring this bounty with ritual and gratitude and allowing ourselves to feel the cyclical rhythms of this Harvest Season.
Our busy Summer has come to an end and in Autumn we prepare for Winter by establishing our daily routines, preparing our Winter spaces (internal and external) and feeding our souls.
"I look within to unearth information of new experience."
One of the magically creative things that we can do to feed our soul is to experiment with a bunch of experiences that may interest us. Autumn invites this experimentation. Make a list of 5 things you will do today to feed your soul. Now, make a list of at least 10 things that you would like to play with that you think might feed your soul. Be bold, be brave, be wild!
It may not be possible at this moment to try all of these things this week but using your imagination you can find ways to experience the "feeling place" of the experience or have a mini-experience. For instance, maybe one of the items on your list is to sing to a large audience. You may have no idea how to pull that off but you could find karaoke in your area or sing while you're waiting for the bus. Use your tools of imagination and curiosity and begin to feed your soul.
There is a theme today as we identify what feeds our soul. For some of us, a lot of our "soul feeding" is done indoors (especially as the weather turns). It is important that we claim a spot, no matter how small, that we can call our own. A place where we can have privacy if needed, leave tools and items available to return to, a space that fuels our imagination and our muse can feel comfortable. A place where we can have mementos of love around us, an alter, a yoga mat, a bowl of stones. If you already have such a space, today is the day for organizing, decorating and fine-tuning.
If space is an issue for you, you can make yourself a "To Go" box, bag or cart. This "To Go" Receptacle can house the tools you need for your indoor activities and you can move it to whatever space is available. Choosing and decorating a space for your "journey's and explorations" sends a message to yourself that you and your journey are important.
If you have no open space at all, your journal can be your space. Each blank page is a room all to itself. A journal and the tools required to create our creative journal take up very little space at all. A journal, pens, pencils, ruler, scissors, color, magazines (if you collage), stamp pads, stencils, glue or glue stick, gesso are your base supplies and they all fit neatly into a small carrying receptacle.
All of the activities we played with today can feed us. They can also fuel our excitement about the endless possible dreams that may be available and appealing. We only need to provide the willingness and the courage.
Please share your observations as we Journey into Autumn and the things that Feed Your Soul in the comments below or the Art Room Activity Feed