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1 - Inoxto 35 liters Mountaineering backpack - 30,07$ ⏩ s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DEvsyOt
2 - Free Knight 75 liters Hiking Backpack - 37,23$ ⏩ s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DmfS5Cv
3 - Scione 65 liters Hiking Backpack - 25,69$ ⏩ s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DeW2FOz
4 - Westtune 50 liters Hiking Backpack - 26,19$ ⏩ s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DELfU7F
5 - HTLT 40 liters Mountain Backpack - 14,51$ ⏩ s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DnFtEhn
In 2024, AliExpress and other major retailers offer a wide range of hiking backpacks, with Black Friday anticipated to bring discounts on popular models. For both beginner and experienced hikers, 40L to 50L backpacks are optimal for multi-day trips, balancing storage and portability. Options like hydration backpacks cater to day hikers who need easy access to water, while military-style backpacks offer rugged durability, ideal for rough terrain.
Brands like Decathlon, known for their quality and affordability, produce some of the best budget-friendly hiking backpacks. For more specific needs, there are packs tailored for men and women, designed with comfortable straps and ventilation to reduce fatigue. Key features to look for include water resistance, ergonomic design, and compartments for gear organization, which make these packs great for both hiking and camping.
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