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Ways Relationships Go Wrong With Introverts

While everyone struggles to find a healthy relationship to one degree or another, introverts in particular have a hard time finding a partner. This is partly because finding a relationship requires some degree of external effort, which is easier to do if you’re an extrovert. But even when introverts do find that person, they need certain needs to be met for the relationship to be successful.

Today on Charisma we’re going to look at the 8 Things Introverts Need in a Relationship.

Did you relate to this list? Or have anything to add? Let us know in the comments! Keep watching Charisma to continue learning more about this topic and many others :)

In the meantime here's The Dark Side Of Being An Introvert
   • The Dark Side of Being An Introvert  
Why INFJ Men Have No Friends
   • Why INFJ Men Have No Friends  
#charisma #psychology #introvert #personality