0いいね 14回再生

小點子.大宇宙:兒童證書課程體驗日 X 證書頒發儀式 精彩重溫

#培育藝能 #artisticempowerment

「小點子.大宇宙:兒童證書課程體驗日 X 證書頒發儀式」圓滿結束🥳,當日現場盛況空前,場面非常熱鬧!立即回顧當天的精彩重溫!


讓你的孩子,成為下位在此展出作品的藝術家吧⭐!Kids Corner秋季課程現已接受報名!各項課程名額有限,勿失良機。詳情請看:hkac.org.hk/kids_corner/

“LITTLE IDEAS BIG UNIVERSE: Children's Certificate Course Experiential Workshop & Opening Ceremony” had successfully concluded🥳, such a lively and bustling day full of joy! Watch the highlight recap now!

Apart from certificate ceremony, everyone was enjoyed in stand-up and improv comedy interactive performance, experiential art workshops and Gachapon Surprises🎉! Parents and kids are thrilled to see the student works can be exhibited in Hong Kong Art Centre (HKAC)! Once again, we would like to congratulate for all participates😇!

Let your kids become the next star artist ⭐ to exhibit the artwork in HKAC! Don’t miss the Autumn Certificate Programme, enrolment has already opened! All course are capable with limited seat, act now! Details please visit: hkac.org.hk/kids_corner/

#香港藝術中心 #HongKongArtsCentre #兒童創意 #ChildrensCreativity #KidsCorner #兒童藝術 #兒童美術 #兒童證書課程 #兒童興趣班 #兒童活動