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BSF constable requirements 2021 apply online // BSF direct Bharti 2021 // 10th 12th pass only ll

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Today's video , I tell you about the t a open rally bharti and also tell full information with detail and also tell that your location comes in which zone.

So watch my full video without skip

In this video, I also tell the most important reason , why people failer the T A Bharti Rally.

I also tell about the physical fitness for age limit for qualification requirement which knowledge is most important in the T A Bharti

So friends see my full video very carefully without skip then you don't miss any detail in this video

There are several other  defence jobopportunities to join Indian Army through Indian Army recruitment, provided that you are at least 8th class, 10th, or senior secondary or 12th pass, or 10+2 and Graduate. Visit here to get latest job updates

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