If you're planning a bathroom renovation and you want to avoid making any expensive bathroom design mistakes, I'm revealing all in this video. These mistakes can lead to huge compromises with your bathroom design so let's avoid that!
Links mentioned👇🏻
🟡 Done-for-you Bathroom Design Pack fifimcgee.co.uk/bathroom-design-pack
🟡 Online Course & Community: join.fifimcgee.co.uk/how-to-renovate-a-house/?src=…
Prevent your costs spiralling & manage your project effectively
🟡 Subscribe for free weekly design & renovation tips & a 3 day video renovation guide: join.fifimcgee.co.uk/survivors-guide-to-renovating…
Lucide lighting zones – www.lucide.com/en/blogs/bathroom-lighting-zones/?u…
Bathroom lighting suppliers (none of these are sponsored by the way)
Pooky – www.pooky.com/?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=FifiM…
Roper Rhodes – www.roperrhodes.co.uk/?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medi…
The Wall Lighting Company – www.thewalllightingcompany.co.uk/?utm_source=Youtu…
Corston – www.corston.com/?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=Fif…
Panelling supplier – www.easipanel.co.uk/?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium…
Panelling supplier – www.acupanel.co.uk/?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=…
USA suppliers (coming soon)
Hi! I'm Fi, an interior designer and renovator based in the UK. I co-run an interior design company with my partner Neil 👷🏻♀️👷🏻♂️ Our mission is to help you create a home that enhances your life, easily & affordably 💛
Together we run online courses that have helped thousands of renovators achieve outstanding homes, preventing mistakes & getting support every step of the way.
I hope my new videos help you 🙏🏼
Website: fifimcgee.co.uk/
Our Renovation Story: fifimcgee.co.uk/our-renovation
Weekly newsletter & free email series: join.fifimcgee.co.uk/survivors-guide-to-renovating…
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