6いいね 912回再生

barny fife of modern manor.

wow so I found a wallet at the mailbox in Modern Manor. and the kind soul that I am I checked it for an address, The guy's license was in it and lives at 16 Solar. as I'm getting into my car this bonehead Barney Fife want to be cop I guess decided he was going to back up from the aerobi Lane turn clear back to 16 metric to let me know that I'm parked on the wrong side of the road? This guy then has the nerve to call me a tweaker? I think I'm going to have to put a restraining order on this man.

Update This piece of shit lives 3 doors down from where i was dropping the wallet off. So 10 Solar Dr. Iowa Ciy Iowa, 52240
another day living in the trashy trailer park the hood of Modern Manor.