What's going on?
(Mini reading)
Hello beautiful wayward individuals! 💖
Lately I've noticed a shift in the collective consciousness. There's a lot of transformation going on. Many things are ending for us because our souls can no longer deny the truth of a situation.
Many of us will be in a period of uncertainty and letting go of what no longer serves us.
This will be scary and feelings of loss and sadness will come up. However, your being is secretly craving this change and transformation. Allow your soul to grow 💖💕
Sending you all so much love and support during this time. Take care everyone! 💕
Remember that these readings are for entertainment purposes only! Cheers. 🙏💕
Music: You Were Mine
Musician: Carl Storm
#spirituality #tarot #oracle #divineguidance #innerknowing #divinewisdom