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Morning Routine: ADAPTING 🙃 gracefully merging with the unexpected (7/7)

Today, let's embrace unexpected nonroutine moments as part of the routine itself!
Explore today's full session at intentioninspired.com/morning7


Starting the day with gratitude creates clear space for new possibilities to emerge.

When we start our morning with gratitude, getting out of bed will become that much easier, as our day is instilled with meaning beyond what is on the to-do list. Not to mention the wealth of health a consistent gratitude practice brings; including more positive emotions, a stronger immune system, better sleep, a deeper sense of connection to all things, more appreciation for others, and more enjoyment all around.

How about you?
What are three things you are grateful for right now?

Ran out of coffee? Favorite morning robe is missing in action? A loved one is reaching out for support?

Morning routines hardly ever play out exactly as we want them to. So the way we respond to 'disruptions' in our morning flow is an essential element to consider and prepare ourselves for.

How we adapt to the unexpected is always our choice, (if we choose). In times of distress, feel your feet on the ground and take a deep breath. If you feel like you didn't meet your morning routine expectations today, that's okay. Tomorrow is a new day!

There is no right or wrong way to release what no longer serves you. Here are some fun ways to play with releasing:
• Open some windows to let in some fresh air while acknowledging what it is that is no longer working for you.
• Burn some incense as you reflect on the ways this transitioning way of being has served you in the past.
• Give your morning space a good cleaning as you acknowledge what thoughts and feelings arise.
• Spend time journaling about what you would enjoy in place of what you are releasing.


How about you?
What are you ready to release so that something bigger and better can come fill it's place?

Share it with us in the comments below or our Morning Routine Activity Feed at intentioninspired.com/join-morning-routine