🤯 In this video, we manually compute the optimized Chimere hole. We also compare OpenFOAM overset assembly to that obtained in Ansys Fluent.
Case files (Fluent):
Case files (OpenFOAM):
Related playlist:
Overset meshes with OpenFOAM and Ansys Fluent | Theory, practice, and best standard practices
• Overset meshes with OpenFOAM and Ansy...
00:00 Introduction - On the Chimera holes
02:03 Never-ending validation
04:09 Let's take a look at the case - How to compute manually the Chimera hole
09:16 Let's take a look at a component mesh - The refinement zone
10:06 Let's take a look at the whole mesh assembly
10:56 Let's compute the cell types
13:34 Let's revisit the Ansys Fluent case
14:31 Let's take a look at the Fluent solution in Ensight - Let's compare OpenFOAM and Fluent
16:21 Overset debug switches in OpenFOAM
19:14 What is new? - Let's open the assembly in Paraview
22:45 Let's run the case
23:36 Let's take a look at the solution - Some comments
26:39 Final remarks
Useful links:
Ansys Student - Free Software Download
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