hi everyone ᰔ
thanks for watching todays video! make sure to like, comment and subscribe for more videos like this
questions you may have 🫶🏾
what filter do you use? I use seychelles by bonnie cee on the app colourtone
what do you use to edit? capcut pro
can I copy your world? of course, just please give credits if you post it
social media
my tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@noraroleplayss?_t=8jhKixoVhJH&_r=1
my roblox: www.roblox.com/users/904034402/profile
check out my clothes: its-nora.creator-spring.com
I don’t own ANY music or sound effects in this video and I don’t claim them as my own
get to know me 🫶🏾
how old are you? i'm 17
what grade are you in? senior in highschool
why do you post this? Because its awesome
business only
want to email me? @noveqrx@gmail.com
tags that help support my channel
#house tour