58いいね 633回再生

Suichan: Kart to Survive - Hololive Mario Kart Cup 2022 - Hoshimachi Suisei [hololive / eng sub]

Hoshimachi Suisei's 2022 Holo Cup. A year after she stole the crown, she has to defend it. The overall level is higher than it's ever been... Can she be the first back-to-back champion?


Check out the previous parts in the playlist:
   • Kart to Survive  


This is not a showcase or recap of the tournament as a whole! It's very singularly focused on covering Suichan's races and reactions to them. Even more than the previous videos in the series, this one is about Suichan's (and the Hoshiyomis') experience watching the ups and downs of the tournament.

I both intentionally (for atmosphere and flavor) and unintentionally (because it's already a damn hour long) omitted most reactions from other holomems, in favor of not quite real-time but extensive coverage of what was a very emotional Holo Cup for Suichan (and by extension, her fans). Of course I still tried to show a little bit of all the participants, but if Suichan isn't in a race, it's not in this video.

On another note, I think once I finish this series (which should be two more videos: one more Holo New Years Cup and one of training/fun stuff in-between), I will try my hand at significantly shorter videos. Frankly, seeing the previous video get fewer than 300 views isn't exactly motivating, and it's mostly stubbornness (and the very nice comments) pushing me to actually finish this series.

Next, I was thinking of making explanatory videos for VTuber concepts. Most of the people in the rabbit hole know what kusa, teetee, yabai, etc. mean, or at least have a pretty good idea. But most "normal" human beings don't. I was thinking I could apply my over-the-top editing methods to illustrating such concepts.

The "issue" is that I would likely need to be doing narration. It would still mostly be edited streams to illustrate the concept, but I can't get a cohesive explanation just in text. Would you watch those? Recommend them to others? Do you think there might be something of an audience for it? At the end of the day, I pride myself on not making clickbait or "algorithm-friendly" content, but it would still be nice if the number of views at least reached the number of man-hours each video takes, and for many of my clips, I don't think I'm quite there.


Subscribe to Suichan's channel!
@Suisei Channel


Stream Sources:

Main Tournament Stream:
Towa    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】ホロライブ、今年も熱くなれ!運も実力も手に入...  

Group B Qualifying Streams:
Suisei    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】予選Bブロック!目指せ二連覇‼🏅【ホロライブ...  
AkiRose    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022 】慌てない!焦らない!諦めない!【アキロゼ視...  
Aqua    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】予選Bブロック!つよ杯いくぞ!!【湊あくあ/...  
Choco    • 【マリオカート8DX】毎年最下位だけど強くなりたい悪魔のマリカ大会⚡【ホロ...  
Pekora    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】ぺこらはできる!ぺこらはできる!ぺこらはでき...  
Ollie    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】HOLOPRO NEW YEAR RACIN...  
Fauna (No Stream)
La+    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】吾輩は吾輩のゴールで勝ちたい【ラプラス・ダー...  
Koyori    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】求:キラー/譲:バナナ【博衣こより/ホロライブ】  

Finals Streams:
Suisei    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】 Finals 決勝!最後まで落ち着いていく...  
Miko    • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2022 】つよ杯進出!決勝戦でえりぃとの奇跡を―・...  
Subaru    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】つよ杯がんばるぞ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...  
Okayu    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】 最 終 決 戦 【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】  
Marine    • 【マリカ8DX】決勝戦!!!みんな仲良くゴールだね!?!?【ホロライブ/宝...  
Kanata    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】つよ杯きたああああ!!!楽しく走り切る!!!...  
Watame    • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2022 】初めてのつよ杯...!!!【角巻わため/...  
Gura (No Stream)
Reine    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】TSUYO CUP LET'S GOOOOO...  
Kronii (No Stream)
Chloe    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】つよ杯優勝目指す…!!!【沙花叉クロヱ/ホロ...  

Other Group Qualifying Streams:
Miko    • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2022 】めざせ決勝!えりぃと運転したるにぇ・・・...  
Subaru    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】がんばるぞ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!【ホ...  
Okayu    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】レッツら高見へ【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】  
Marine    • 【マリカ8DX】ホロ大会!!!みんな仲良くゴールだね!【ホロライブ/宝鐘マリン】  
Kanata    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】Aブロック予選!!!!!行くぞおみゃいら!!...  
Watame    • 【 #ホロお正月CUP2022 】トラウマを越えていけ!!!【角巻わため/...  
Reine    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】IT'S THE BIG DAY LET'S...  
Chloe    • 【#ホロお正月CUP2022】目指せつよ杯【沙花叉クロヱ/ホロライブ】  

Powerwash Simulator    • 【Powerwash Simulator】Washing All That...  


Tsuyo Cup Intro Animation Sources:

Music -
Midnight Grand Orchestra - Rat A Tat    • Rat A Tat  

Chloe -
Paralyze Cover    • 沙花叉クロヱ MV - 「パラライズ」  
P.E.T.    • 【holo*27 MV】沙花叉クロヱ - P.E.T.【ホロライブ x D...  

Kronii -
Bakushou Cover    • 【Cover】Bakushou / 爆笑 - Ouro Kronii  
Kimagure Mercy Cover    • 【Cover】Kimagure Mercy / 気まぐれメルシィ - Ou...  
MK8 stream    • 【Mario Kart 8DX】skrrt w/ chat  

Reine -
Kick Back Cover    • 【Cover】 KICK BACK / Pavolia Reine - チ...  
Overdose Cover    • 【Cover】Overdose / Pavolia Reine  

Gura -
Shark'd    • [ORIGINAL ANIMATION] Gawr Gura - Shar...  
Gawr Gura x Hakos Baelz - Sweet Appetite    • 【holo*27 MV】Gawr Gura x Hakos Baelz -...  

Towa -
Palette    • 【オリジナル曲】 Palette/常闇トワ 【フルMV】  

Watame -
Petit Anime    • 【プチアニメ】ドタバタ学園ラブコメディ?!【角巻わため/ホロライブ4期生】  
Watame unsupervised at the studio    • 【3D動画おまけ付き】わためを会場に一匹放置した結果【角巻わため/ホロライ...  

Kanata -
Yare yare daze    • やれやれだぜ  
Kanadrill    • かなドリル2  

Marine -
Morning Routine    • Morning Routine【hololive/宝鐘マリン】  
I'm your Treasure Box    • 【original anime MV】I’m Your Treasure ...  

Okayu -
Akanbe    • 【original MV】あっかんべ / 猫又おかゆ x DECO*27  
Look at me more♡♡♡    • Look at me more♡♡♡【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】  

Subaru -
Pleiades!    • 【オリジナル曲】ぷ・れ・あ・で・す!【ホロライブ/大空スバル】  

Miko -
0 sit-ups    • 腹筋0回 0 sit-ups【ホロライブ/さくらみこ】  
Cute butt    • Cute butt. 💓♬【Hololive/さくらみこ】  

Suisei -
Shakunetsu Nite Junjou    • 灼熱にて純情(wii-wii-woo) / 星街すいせい(official)  
Planetarium    • 【holo*27 MV】星街すいせい - プラネタリウム【ホロライブ x ...  


#hololive #vtuber #hoshimachisuisei
#星街すいせい #ホロライブ#vtuberen #mariokart