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RC plane parts salvage

This video shows how I personally salvage the parts of almost any electric powered RC Airplanes. One of the biggest reasons why I decided to make videos is because I love to make memories that I can look back weeks, months, years and even decades later to look back and see how much I've grow and to have my life recorded so I can look back at myself.

According to the photo that I took on my phone, it was May 22, 2021, so a full year before this video was uploaded. When I first received this yellow high wing aircraft, I found it on top of a tree at my local park in Kissena. I have witnessed a father and son flew his plane right into the tree because of the wind. Also, the son also has a RC jeep at the time I remembered. I'm pretty sure they gave up trying to retrieve it because I found this airplane a week later underneath the tree that it crashed in so the wind must have blown it down. I was with at least 2 boys (they are brothers) when I found this plane. Which was bad because they damage the plane even more of what is already a damaged plane. I took it home and for a long time I did not touch this yellow plane because at first, I wanted to return this to the owners. I go to the park everyday, however despite my best affords the owner never showed up so I decided to keep it. So I decided to repair the plane to airworthy conditions. On April 9 ,2022 I have made a video with my neighbor test flying the plane for the first time since it crashed. It was really hard to control since its only 3 channels instead of 4, also the control surfaces was off. At some point after I flew my FT Cub low wing Mod I have threw the plane and it nosed dived Stright to the ground and the nose of the aircraft broke off. So I decided to do one last video with it where I take it apart and salvage the important parts of the plane. Which is this video.

The camera I used to record this footage is the Akaso V50 Pro:

This is the first video where I used this camera for my YouTube video.
I used Video Editor by Microsoft to edit my videos.