There's too much to say about Cormac McCarthy, a giant of the Western literary canon....
Here, I capture what is significant and what I've failed to see in other videos.
The writing for this video was inspired by McCarthy's prose.
EDIT: I made numerous mistakes of location. McCarthy spent a lot of his youth and young adulthood in Tennessee and attended the University of Tennessee (not Texas).
Intro: 0:00
Background: 1:47
On Writing: 8:54
Suttree & Life Project: 12:55
McCarthy's Virtue: 20:04
Stella Maris & The Unconscious: 23:55
Literature & Final: 31:35
You can check out my own novel here:
Film clips used:
No Country For Old Men
The Road
Lost Highway
Wild At Heart
Requiem For A Dream
Of Mice And Men
The Basketball Diaries
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