YES! been a bit slow concidering the quality of both litters - but the blue as we thought would go first - interest in the reds also - but theirs a lot about not been a good time for litters but at least you know what your getting here - as many others available you have to ask yourself ( umm they aint giving much away ) weathers starting to pick up heat wise and not so chilly on a night - fans in big demand for all dogs we currently for dogs alone have 9 fans running dog wise - 5 fans house wise & 4 aircon units hot season sees all dogs in turn coming in to find coolness LOL - god i know plenty cheap charlies here won't use aircon fear of the lecky bill LOL my view what's the point of paying out for aircon if ya not going to use it - and some just dont have it at all - no shit please about you acclimatise to it Bollocks if your from colder countries you skin tone alone tells you you weren't born to cope with tropical heat no its just tight arsed cheap charlie's as i say LOL KEEP WATCHING : )