I'm a diehard glowforge fan/user but I'm also a hacker interested in cheap Maker tools that can make a little hobby money, like this $270 Comgrow Comgro Z1 Laser Engraver. Let's check it out.
How can you make money with personalized engraving affordably?
When you add that personal touch to a product, customers are typically inclined to pay more. As a result, the cost of merchandise with an individual laser engraving can be calculated according to the market's price per product achievable. It is not uncommon for personalized items to cost 5 to 10 times the basic item cost.
Product Link - comgrow.com/?sca_ref=2076235.r0Xhe7FZPt
Guess what?
Engraving is now a super affordable money-making business. It is increasingly favorable to add individualization and originality to your belongings. You can add unique personal dedications to gifts, signs, or trophies of many kinds. Laser technology is the best way to support an engraver's varied field of application. Additionally, the advertising material industry benefits greatly from the various applications done with a laser. Nearly all suppliers provide giveaways and simple promotional items. These items can be sold with a higher profit margin if they have high-quality laser engravings. Making promotional items more valuable for the customer, and more profitable for engravers and retailers.
This is a show about inventing, creating, and reviewing products.
Glowforge Discount Link (My Dream Laser Cutter) - glowforge.com/hacklab
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