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Power10 Infographic

Update August 2022: Oracle does not agree that it's RDBMS Standard Edition 2 can be used on the S1022s.

Power10 Systems presented as “Infographics” style.
1) Power10 chip
2) Power10 Infrastructure 1
3) Power10 Infrastructure 2
4) Power10 Scale-out selection
5) Power10 S1024 and L1024 (note: all CPU cores need to be activated on the L models)
6) Power10 S1014
7) Power10 S1022 and L1022 (note: all CPU cores need to be activated on the L models)
8) Power10 S1022s
9) Power10 E1050
10) Power10 E1080

I hope you enjoy this style.
You can see the move up to date slides here:

And from there download the PowerPoint slides after the 1st couple of weeks to allow time for corrections. Please report issues via the comments and I hope to fix them quickly.

Note: I have retired from IBM but I am still interesting is supporting and helping nmon and njmon users. Please use nigelargriffiths@hotmail.com from now on.