Episode 259 - The Future of Work: Why Hybrid Work Is Here to Stay
The workplace has transformed dramatically in the past few years, and many corporate professionals are finding themselves wondering, What’s next? Will remote work remain viable, or are we heading back to the traditional office environment?
In light of recent decisions from major companies like Amazon, which plans to bring all employees back to the office full-time by January 2025, these questions have become even more pressing. While some organizations push for a return to in-office work, there is mounting evidence suggesting that hybrid work will continue to be a key model for corporate professionals. In this blog, we’ll explore why hybrid work is likely here to stay, and how corporate professionals can thrive in this evolving landscape.
For many professionals, hybrid work has been a game changer since the pandemic began in 2020. The flexibility to work from home, reduced commuting time, and better work-life balance have made remote and hybrid models highly attractive. But is it sustainable long-term?
Read the full blog on the website ➡️ www.renatabernarde.com/episode/hybrid-work-a-neces…
Timestamps to guide your listening:
01:42 The Debate: Hybrid vs. Full-Time Office Work
05:21 The Importance of Hybrid Work for Corporate Professionals
08:43 Leadership and Socio-Technical Systems Theory
16:29 Substitutes for Leadership in Hybrid Teams
20:45 Strengths-Based Assessments for Hybrid Teams
24:30 Conclusion: The Future of Work and Final Thoughts
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DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed by Renata Bernarde are solely her opinions. You should not treat any opinion expressed by Renata Bernarde as a specific inducement to make a particular career decision or follow a particular job search strategy. Renata Bernarde’s opinions are based upon information she considers reliable but does not warrant its completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon as such. Renata Bernarde does not guarantee any specific job search outcome. Strategies and tips mentioned may not be suitable for you. Renata Bernarde is not under any obligation to update or correct any information provided. Renata Bernarde’s statements and opinions are subject to change without notice. This material does not take into account your particular goals or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make an independent decision regarding your job hunting and career planning. Before acting on information, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances.