Vaccine amnesty in UK for undocumented migrants
The UK government had announced that undocumented Migrants would be included on the vaccination program but no details have come out.
However, it might be that there is a way forward, please continue to watch to see what you can do to get vaccinated - without the Home Office taking any action against you.
The Home Office have announced that Undocumented migrants can register with their doctors for a vaccine against COVID-19 without fear of being ejected by the Home Office.
As a result of the dreadful handling by the government in my opinion The UK has suffered badly under the COVID-19 pandemic, with more than 112,000 people registered as having died with or from COVID-19 since last March.
However, the country’s vaccination program is the fastest so far in Europe and now includes those who are undocumented.
Apparently the government have announced that:
The #COVID19 vaccine is free of charge on the NHS.
The NHS will never ask for:
your bank account or card details
your pin or banking password
copies of personal documents to prove your identity
From what I have seen anyone can register at a GP, documented or undocumented and get vaccinated without the Home Office being passed any of your information.
A government spokesperson has said:
”those registered with a GP (general practitioner or primary care physician) are being contacted at the earliest opportunity and we are working closely with partners and external organizations to contact those who are not registered with a GP to ensure they are also offered the vaccine.”
So if you are registered with a GP get in contact,
If you are not registered either try to register and explain what you want -
As I mentioned before absent any express form or guidance or if you fear, as a great many migrants do, that their information will be shared with the Home Office,
Then please contact me or another reputable lawyer and they can help you get the help you need without putting yourself at risk.
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