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“At the Feet of the Guru”— Studying the New SRF Lessons | 2020 SRF Online World Convocation

SRF monk Brother Saralananda discusses how students of the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons can make Paramahansa Yogananda’s living presence a tangible reality through their study of the Lessons—the very core of the Kriya Yoga teachings he was ordained to bring to the world.

In the Preface to the new SRF Lessons, Sri Daya Mata and Sri Mrinalini Mata write: “The scriptures of India teach the value of shravana — listening with reverence and attention to the instruc¬tion received at the feet of one’s guru. Let your reading of these Lessons be that kind of ‘listening,’ which fully imparts the meaning of the words to your mind and heart.” And Paramahansa Yogananda said: “When this body shall be gone, still my voice shall always speak through these Lessons.”

This class is part of the Day 4 (Wednesday) schedule for the 2020 SRF Online World Convocation. The 2020 Convocation is a week of online classes, meditations, virtual pilgrimages to ashram centers where Yogananda lived, kirtans (devotional chanting), and more—offering all seekers of higher consciousness and balanced spiritual living a unique experience of peace and joy.

This year SRF is honoring the 100th anniversary of Yogananda’s arrival in the West and the beginning of his worldwide work. In celebration of this milestone, the 2020 Convocation—a truly worldwide event—is being offered to all for free.

To read Paramahansa Yogananda’s Introduction to the SRF Lessons, “Highest Achievements Through Self-Realization”: flipbooks.yogananda.org/15791/30007/index.html?con…

To learn more and apply for the SRF Lessons: yogananda.org/lessons

If you would like to support the spiritual and humanitarian work of SRF, please click on this link: donatesrf.org/
