నాగోబా జాతర 2025 | Telangana’s Tribal Festival | All Competitive Exams | ICON RK Sir | ICON INDIA

Nagoba Jathara is one of the most significant tribal festivals celebrated by the Gond community in Telangana. This festival is deeply rooted in tribal traditions, culture, and rituals, making it an important topic for TSPSC, APPSC, UPSC, SI, Constable, and other competitive exams.

In this video, ICON RK Sir explains the historical, cultural, and social significance of Nagoba Jathara, including:
✅ The importance of the festival
✅ Rituals & traditions of the Gond community
✅ Relevance of Nagoba Jathara in Telangana’s tribal heritage
✅ Competitive exam-based questions on this topic

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