My eyes were drawn to this lone tree, full of character and gnarly branches and I noticed a 'dumpy oval' shape and pulled over for a better look. More often than not, these 'shapes' turn out to be a branch or part of the tree itself, but on this occasion, I was rewarded with the sight of this adorable 'branched' Tawny Owl.
Tawny Owl babies (owlets) leave the nest at around 5 weeks old, long before they are ready to fly, in a phase called ‘branching’. During the day, they remain mostly inactive. However, they will walk, climb, jump and flutter around in the trees at night. At around 7 weeks old, they will attempt short flights around the nest area.
An owlet may spend time on the ground during this phase. The adults locate them by their contact calls (begging for food) and will feed them where they find them. Owlets are surprisingly good at climbing, and their natural instinct is to climb back up the tree again.
Even when they can fly, it takes a few months to learn how to be a successful woodland predator, capable of killing prey twice their size. They are still dependent on their parents for food for up to 3 months, and will still stay in the area with their parents for the rest of the summer, learning these skills.
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*Title in OTHER LANGUAGES: *Hindi - Polish - Croatian - French - Portuguese - Chinese -
Czech - Dutch - Ukrainian - Japanese - Spanish - Thai - Italian*
Hindi TAWNY OWL बेबी शाखित उल्लू strix aluco
Polish SOWA BABY 🦉 Owlet rozgałęziony 🦉 strix aluco
Croatian TAWNY OWL BABY 🦉 Razgranata sova 🦉 strix aluco
French BÉBÉ CHOUETTE TAWNY 🦉 Chouette ramifiée 🦉 strix aluco
Portuguese TAWNY OWL BABY 🦉 Corujinha Ramificada 🦉 strix aluco
Chinese TAWNY OWL BABY 🦉 分枝貓頭鷹 🦉 strix aluco
Czech MÁME SOVY SOVICE 🦉 Sýček rozvětvený 🦉 strix aluco
Dutch TAWNY OWL BABY 🦉 Vertakte uil 🦉 strix aluco
Ukrainian СОВЧЕНКА СОВА 🦉 Розгалужена сова 🦉 strix aluco
Japanese* TAWNYOWLBABY🦉BranchedOwlet🦉strixaluco
Spanish BEBÉ DE TAWNY OWL 🦉 Mochuelo ramificado 🦉 strix aluco
Thai TAWNY OWL BABY 🦉 นกฮูกสาขา 🦉 strix aluco
Italian ALLORO BABY 🦉 Civetta ramificata 🦉 strix aluco
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