If there’s one thing you can take away from my experience it’s that…a lot can change in a single year 🤯
It’s crazy just looking back at the last year….the growth has been insane, NOTHING I could ever imagine.
Which is why I want to challenge you today 💖
It’s time to start treating every day with intention.
⚡️ To ask for what you wish for.
⚡️ To develop a meditation practice for 5 minutes a day.
⚡️ to pray and ask for guidance.
⚡️ to do 1 thing everyday that will move the needle forward.
My entire business that I have now started from sitting cross legged on my yoga mat.
For years I privately studied astrology, fearing what people would think if I started talking about it publicly..online 😬
But it was just that - a private passion.
Then one day I was guided in meditation (in the Akashic Records) to randomly and out of NOWHERE write a blog post on astrocartography.
That one blog post planted a seed.
Then that blog post was repurposed and became 1 YouTube video.
Then another YouTube video.
Then another.
Then 1 small podcast interview.
Then 1 booked client, who told their friend, who told another friend…
6 months later I was working full-time doing private astrology consultations.
Now I still do readings every week, but I also teach courses and workshops and write while living slow.
Today I have a team of readers. Now more astrocartographers are here ready to serve the influx of people ready to move and find their most supportive places in the world.
I don’t share all of this to brag.
I share this to show you that it’s possible. A lot can begin…from 1 single idea.
From sitting in silent stillness in meditation.
An entire business, thousands of people’s lives can change from an idea.
When you find your passion, your purpose, when you find the thing that give you life AND solves a problem for others.
question: what have you been feeling called to do that you keep pushing off because of fear?
What have you not been pursuing out of guilt, shame, worry, doubt?
It’s to start.
One small step everyday 🐌
#astrocartography #astrology #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astrologersofig