Career with Faazil
750 on the GMAT in 1 Month (with FREE study plan PDF)

750 GMAT in 30 days (with FREE study plan PDF)

FREE 30-DAY GMAT STUDY GUIDE: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/atgk354ldmtq7yw6fmkdb/The-u…

Target Test Prep : targettestprep.referralrock.com/l/1FAAZIL36/ (free trial)

GMAT Ninja:    / @gmatninjatutoring  

AWA explanation: gmatclub.com/forum/how-to-get-6-0-awa-my-guide-643…

My Instagram: www.instagram.com/careerwithfaazil/
Book a 1:1 Call: topmate.io/careerwithfaazil

In this video, I share the study strategy that I used to achieve a 750 on the GMAT in just 4 weeks of preparation. From creating a study schedule to mastering the most important concepts, I break down my approach step-by-step so you can use it to achieve your own GMAT success.

00:00 Intro
00:27 Disclaimer 1
00:41 Disclaimer 2
00:50 Don’t make this mistake
01:27 My experience
02:45 Study Plan
03:38 First Practice GMAT
04:13 Courses I recommend
05:20 Quant
06:45 Verbal
8:20 IR+AWA
09:45 Practice Tests
11:09 Day Before Test
11:33 Test Day
12:10 Mindset

My LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/faazil/