FOM archive
Physics@FOM 2015 - Masterclass David Awschalom

Prior to Physics@FOM 2015, the programme committee organised four masterclasses. These classes offer PhDs and young postdocs a unique opportunity to receive an introduction to their discipline from top researchers.

Please note: the first few minutes of this masterclass were not recorded.

Creating and controlling spins in semiconductors
Eighty years since Dirac developed the quantum theory of electron spin, contemporary information technology still relies largely on classical electronics: the charge of electrons for computation and magnetic materials for permanent storage. There is a growing interest in exploiting spins in semiconductor nanostructures for the manipulation and storage of information in emergent technologies based upon spintronics and quantum logic. We provide an overview of temporally- and spatially-resolved optoelectronic measurements used to generate, manipulate, and interrogate electron and nuclear spin states in the solid state. In particular, we discuss progress toward scalable quantum systems based on quantum control and coherent coupling between single spins and optical photons for technologies beyond electronics. These demonstrations include advanced materials synthesis techniques, gigahertz-rate coherent manipulation, nondestructive single spin readout, nanofabrication of spin arrays, operation of a single nuclear spin quantum memory and recent material discoveries that represent progress toward the integration of spins and photons for future quantum information processing.

About the conference: Physics@FOM Veldhoven is a large congress that provides a topical overview of physics in the Netherlands. It is organised by the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) and takes place each year in January. Traditionally, young researchers are given the chance to present themselves and their work alongside renowned names from the Dutch and international physics community. The programme covers Light and matter, Atomic, molecular and optical physics, Nanoscience and nanotechnology, Statistical physics and Soft condensed matter, Surfaces and interfaces, Physics of fluids, Subatomic physics, Plasma and fusion physics, and Strongly correlated systems.
