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If Trauma Made You An Empath -Here's How To Become A Super Empath #cptsd #emotionalhealing

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Most people that I talk to that have undergone narcissistic abuse identify with being an empath which is not just having empathy or being able to understand the emotions of another person but it takes it a step further it's the ability to discern and feel another persons feelings in your own heart as if those feelings were your own. And while most victims of narcissistic abuse like appreciate this trait I also hear that it also seems to cause a lot of suffering for people that have undergone narcissistic abuse. For example they may find it difficult to stay in your own energy if they're around people with negative energy whether they are narcissitic people or not. I've often heard people say that they desperately want to stay within their own energy true to themselves but they feel like they can't because of this empathic ability to absorb the energy and feelings of other people and so for that reason in todays video I want to talk about how you can take your empathic abilities and become a super empath so that this amazing quality does not affect your emotional states but enhances your life. More often than not this ability to be empathic started out as a trauma coping skill.
For many of us that were raised in an environment that was chaotic or we felt unsafe we developed this keen ability to notice subtle shifts in peoples emotions and behavior in an effort to find safety. Just like a child born blind develops keen auditory skills in an effort to compensate. For the children born without safety we developed a keen ability to find and notice subtle shifts in environment, energy in micro expressions to help keep us safe. So in a sense our empathy started out as a super power helping us to manage a chaotic environment but then it became a weakness because when we became adults we could no longer stay ourselves especially around difficult people or even around those not difficult we still soaked up other peoples energies. It was difficult to tell where one person ended and we began. And so then it became a weakness. In this video I want to talk about how to go back to getting your empathic abilities to being more of a super power rather than something stealing your joy happiness and peace in life.
For those that don't know me my name is Michele I'm a survivor myself of narcissistic abuse, I'm now a trauma informed coach a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and the founder of the School of Transformation where I meet live on zoom weekly with people from all over the world and we do the inner work to heal from the cptsd narcissistic abuse and childhood trauma together. So if my videos resonate with you and you want to join me live make sure you check out the links available:

FREE LIVE WEBINAR IN AUGUST 2024: www.micheleleenieves.com/pl/2148497785

SCHOOL OF TRANSFORMATION: www.micheleleenieves.com/school-of-transformation