Alright, let's talk about lunges! I know some of y'all are feeling a bit squirmy just hearing that word. But, let's be real, lunges have gotten a bad rap for no good reason. First, they're tough! They target the big leg muscles, require balance, and take some serious control. Second, some people think they have bad knees and can't do lunges. Well, I'm here to tell you to forget all that and let's lunge together!
Yes, lunges are hard, but they're also super functional and work multiple muscles all at once. Plus, they're done on one leg, so they force extra balance, stability, and control. Now, let's address the knee issue. That's precisely why you should do lunges! Let's work on proper form and technique together.
So, what's a lunge? It's a movement that involves stepping, bending both knees, keeping a straight upper body, and standing back up without falling over. That's a lot to do in one move, but think about it - anytime you put one foot in front of the other, you're lunging!
Now, two key points to keep in mind for proper form: 1) Your toes should track towards your knees to stay in good alignment. If your knee goes beyond your toes or you feel pain, keep it over the ankle. 2) Keep your upper body centered between your legs, with your chest lifted. Focus on bending from the back knee and not leaning forward over the front. And, don't forget to press back up through the front heel.
Today's workout includes reverse lunges, side lunges, and step-ups. We're doing 15 reps on each leg, 4 times through. Check out the video in the group for proper form and remember to keep your knee and toe alignment in check, your upper body lifted, and your hands off your knees. No pressure, let's lunge it out!