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Dr Berceli's Message To Humanity!

✅ Grab Your Free Breath Guide here:

Dr. Berceli, a world-class expert in trauma intervention and conflict resolution, has meticulously crafted these exercises based on his extensive knowledge and experience.

For more information about TRE and Dr. Berceli's work, visit the official TRE website: traumaprevention.com/
Follow Dr Berceli on YouTube youtube.com/@davidberceli

✅ Are You Ready to Increase Your Energy and Focus?
Mike has a very limited about of of 1:1 Breath Coaching Slots available, you can learn more here;

✅ Did you know Mike hosts a podcast all about breathing?

THE BREATHCAST is the podcast that delves into the minds of breath workers, coaches authors, doctors, yogis, and scientists to uncover the philosophies, strategies, and tools that help us live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

✅ Apple Podcasts - podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/take-a-deep-breath-w…
✅ Spotify - open.spotify.com/show/0zcueBIU1nFKQCeUepR3dw
✅ RSS - www.takeadeepbreath.co.uk/breathcast

Safety Information:
Do not practice this breathwork during pregnancy, or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions, should always consult a medical professional before starting breathwork. These breathing exercises are a guide only, you should always listen to your own body and not push yourself, if you feel unwell STOP. Never practice breathing exercises before or during diving, driving, swimming, taking a bath, or in any other circumstance where the loss of consciousness could result in bodily harm. Deep breathing may cause tingling sensations, a ringing in the ears, and/or light-headedness. These are normal responses and are no cause for alarm. If you faint, however, you have gone too far and should take it more slowly next tim