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very specific signs your nervous system is overloaded or dysregulated 👇🏼 #shorts

very specific signs your nervous system is overloaded or dysregulated 👇🏼

your nervous system to get stuck in a state of overload or dysregulation, especially if you have unresolved trauma or live in a state of constant stress 🥹

when your nervous system gets overloaded or dysregulated, it can become difficult to shift out of that state even when the source of stress or trauma is no longer present 😮‍💨

other symptoms of a dysregulated nervous system include:
✨sleep issues
✨difficulty regulating emotions
✨chronic or long-term physical pain
✨sensory sensitivity
✨gut issues
✨brain fog
✨memory issues
✨hyperactivity and/or frequent dissociation
✨memory issues
✨feel wired and tired

the good news is that your nervous system is also resilient and adaptable ✨

you can shift your nervous system out of a dysregulated state in 60 days with somatic exercises 💖

as you release the stress, trauma, & tension out of your body, you’ll begin to feel much more calm both physically & emotionally 🙌🏼

your pain will start to go away and you’ll have much more energy 💖

you’ll suddenly be out of emergency mode & feel like you can focus again ✌🏼

after you release, you’ll also no longer have a hard time sleeping or feel dissociated at night 🙌🏼🫶🏼

regulating your nervous system is like hitting the reset button on your life ✌🏼

do you want to heal your nervous system and release trauma out of your body?

get guided through the step by step 👇🏼

heal your nervous system (3 course bundle) 🔗 theworkoutwitch.com/heal 💖✌🏼💖

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