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Embracing Uncertainty

Download my free 3-day video masterclass to find out the top things that your doctor isn't telling you about POTS:

Tuning into your body is a powerful mechanism to help you figure out what steps you should take next and where you should focus your energies during times of uncertainty and instability.

Tuning into your body also takes you out of your head and into your body.

This shift helps you move from thinking about “shoulds”, “need to’s ”, and possible negative self-talk to really getting aligned with what your body is asking you to provide it.

Feeling uncertain is part of the game of being human and, to a certain degree, will always be present in your daily life.

In a way, uncertainty also presents a blank slate for opportunities to experiment and try things that could change not only how you feel but also how your life plays out.

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Reminder: The information provided by Ioana Vintila is solely intended for informational purposes and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. The views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical advice. Always consult your physician and do your own further research before making any decisions related to your health.

You may also find my interview with cardiologist Dr. Gupta on POTS useful:

   • POTS and Dysautonomia: healthcoaching...  

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